How our free VPN works
Step 1
Download and install our app for free
Step 2
Use a VPN with no speed limit with a traffic limit of 500MB per day
Step 3
Buy unlimited VPN usage for the period you need
What will you get by installing the Zama VPN app?

Free access to any content

High speed

Privacy Protection

Ease of use
What users say about Zama VPN
Yes, our VPN is fully compatible with all current versions of macOS, including the latest updates.
Our VPN app is optimized for macOS and has minimal impact on performance, ensuring fast connection speeds.
The impact is minimal. Our VPN is optimized for efficient use of resources.
Yes, our subscription allows you to use multiple devices, including Mac, iPhone and iPad, with one account.
Zama VPN is tested and works flawlessly with the built-in macOS firewall, providing an extra layer of protection without conflict.
We release updates regularly, usually once a month or more often if urgent fixes are required. Our team is constantly working to improve performance and add new features.
Yes, our VPN is great for streaming. We provide high speed and stable connection, which allows you to watch content without delays or buffering.